Saturday, September 1, 2012


Well, we are through the first two weeks of school and I have survived our school going to 100% digital curriculum.  The system purchased a laptop for each student 4th grade and up and a net-book for all 3rd graders.  It has definitely been a learning experience for all of us…….teachers and students! I teach at a Title One school so most of my students do not have internet at home. My teammates and I have had to teach an all new vocabulary such as:  “file”  “save”  “save as”  “upload”  “download”  “desktop” hahahahaha.  They have really made great strides though and I’m excited about the future.

We are using Pearson Success for all the subjects and Edmodo as the platform for each class.  The kids are really getting the feel for uploading assignments through Edmodo and submitting them for grading.

I have an extensive Library on Edmodo if anyone is using this and would like to join the 4th Grade Teachers group the number is mb8psk  If you join this you will have access to the library.

As I learn and grow on the ALL DIGITAL HIGHWAY Ill share the ride with all of you, and I’m sure you will share with me.
Not everything is digital!

The Reading Nook is a success!

 A little help from my friend....

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